7 effective tips to stop being a couch potato and be more active

Are you tired of being a couch potato who has no energy to do anything at all? I have been there and I do have days when getting up from the couch even to fetch the bottle of water lying across the room seems a difficult task.  You even watch boring advertisements on TV because […]


20 powerful mantras to help you get through bad days

Have you had days when you felt like getting up from the bed and having a shower is an accomplishment? When bad days come, it can feel like they are never going to end and that you will always live in misery. On such rough days, repeating certain mantras can help you to get through


10 effective tips to build belief in yourself and achieve your dreams

Whatever you achieve in life comes as a result of the belief you have in yourself.  There are countless stories of people who have achieved great things in life from unimaginable life circumstances just because they chose to believe in themselves.  This includes not only the famous successful people but also common people like you


20 toxic things to remove from your life to live peacefully

As you age, you start to get more aware of the way the world works. You start to realize how negativity affects you. The more you learn and work on improving your life, you learn you need to let go of certain negative things in life.  Only when you release these negative things from life,


How to break bad habits (12 effective tips)

Habits are fascinating.  They save us from a lot of hard work because our brains don’t have to learn our routines from scratch every single day. Habits save time and energy and help our brains to work efficiently. But habits become a problem when they don’t serve us in a good way. We might have

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